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Our services

Insight, Research & Evaluation



Our reputation research helps you to understand what you can do to improve your organisation’s reputation and build stronger relationships with stakeholders.

Clients undertake this research in a range of circumstances, including during a period of change, in response to a major issue, or to track sentiment as a part of the ordinary course of business.

Our services in this field range from quick perceptions audits through to our proprietary Reputation Evaluation Program, NewREP and we’re increasingly being asked to help develop appropriate organisational KPIs.

Our sophisticated offering, NewREP, measures the health of an organisation’s reputation and what is driving opinion, helping clients to prioritise actions to improve their reputation over time. It uses proven qualitative and quantitative techniques, with our validated framework built on best practice data science and academic thinking in the field.

Much of what SEC Newgate Research does involves exploring and measuring knowledge, attitudes and behaviours, and identifying the most effective ways to engage and influence. Some of our work in this area involves research among the community as a whole, while other projects are conducted with very targeted groups such as:

  • Customers
  • Senior stakeholders
  • People living or working in a certain location
  • Employees

Our experts in behavioural science, psychology and advanced analytics provide an important lens to the development of our research materials and recommendations to ensure they are grounded in reality and will be effective in a real-world context.

Research to guide communications and engagement strategies is one of the firm’s core strengths. We provide clients with realistic, specific recommendations based on a combination of:

  • Our team’s deep understanding of how individuals process information and make decisions
  • Research designed to test the likely effectiveness of messaging and other actions in leading to shifts in perceptions and behaviour
  • SEC Newgate’s heritage in this space which means we have an excellent understanding of the realities of the external environment and communications and engagement processes. We test narratives, messages, campaign concepts and materials using a range of proven techniques. We also conduct robust benchmarking and monitoring research to evaluate the effectiveness of programs, specific campaign elements and engagement initiatives.


Our tools include SEC Newgate MessageLab , our proprietary approach to identifying:

  • The messages that will be most effective in shifting opinion among different audiences
  • The delivery methods that will work with each audience; and how best to frame your overall campaign.

SEC Newgate Research works with clients to identify the most effective ways to communicate with staff. This can involve identifying gaps in understanding of purpose, values or strategy, sources of information, as well as information needs and channel preferences. We do rapid employee research in times of crisis to inform the internal communications response – critical in terms of maintaining employee engagement and confidence. Our proprietary Employee Sentiment Program (ESP) provides an objective measure of:

  • Employee behaviours
  • Employee perceptions; and
  • Employee satisfaction with their work, team and business environment.

This program generates reliable and actionable insights, while enabling organisations to:

  • Manage change and respond in a crisis
  • Transform culture
  • Develop and enhance internal communications
  • Attract, engage and retain top employees

Building and recovering organisational reputation and social licence


Understanding and measuring public sentiment regarding an issue or topic


Effective messaging for an issue, initiative, cause or investment


Building evidence of support for major projects and investments


Exploring behavioural drivers and effecting behavioural change


Mapping employee sentiment and building organisational alignment


Optimising stakeholder engagement and the customer experience


Shaping perceptions of organisational ESG performance

Key contacts

Meet our Research and Insight specialists

Some of our recently published research

            <div>Responsible Business 2024: What the UK public expects</div>
Responsible Business 2024: What the UK public expects

Expectations for what makes a ‘good’ business have changed forever. To be trusted, widely...

            <div>SEC Newgate UK - Onshore Wind Research 2024</div>
SEC Newgate UK - Onshore Wind Research 2024

In July 2024, the Labour Government announced its ‘Policy statement on onshore wind’...

            <div>National Planning Barometer 2024</div>
National Planning Barometer 2024

The latest iteration of our annual planning barometer takes a deep dive to untangle the...

            <div>ESG Monitor 2023 UK</div>
ESG Monitor 2023 UK

For the third year running, SEC Newgate has conducted extensive research to understand...

            <div>National Planning Barometer: A planning system set up to fail?</div>
National Planning Barometer: A planning system set up to fail?

To find out what councillors really think about the UK’s planning system, download a copy...

SEC Newgate Research provides expert corporate affairs, financial communications, employee and customer research.

We design robust market and social research approaches to assess the needs, attitudes, expectations, and preferences of clients’ stakeholders and the communities in which they operate. We provide data-driven insights to build an objective case for action and identify the most effective ways in which to engage and influence.

Proposition areas:

  • Reputation and Stakeholder Relationships 
  • Opinion and Behavioural Research
  • Communications and Engagement
  • Employee Research

Recent thinking

Read recent articles and thought-leadership from our Research and Insights team

SEC Newgate provide expert issues, opinion, messaging and reputation research amongst senior stakeholders, influencers, the community, customers and employees.

We explore and measure knowledge, attitudes and behaviours to inform decisions around policies, organisational strategies, communications and messaging.

We tailor research approaches to your needs, drawing on a wide range of qualitative, quantitative and deliberative methodologies.

We identify the most effective ways to engage and influence, turning research data into meaningful and actionable recommendations.

We have a large, high-calibre team with deep expertise across behavioural science, data science, social science, and communications, politics and policy.

We are frank and fearless advisers. We tell you what you need to know, not just what you want to hear. Adept at engaging with a range of audiences from senior stakeholders to community members, we represent a safe pair of hands for your next major project.

Get in touch

New business enquiry? Have a potential Research project?

Wherever you are in the world, we have the specialist advisers to help. Click below to say hello and we will introduce you to the best team for the job.