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08 April 2020

By Emma Kane, Chief Executive

Passover is one of the most-celebrated Jewish festivals in the annual calendar.  It commemorates the liberation of the Children of Israel who were led out of Egypt by Moses after 210 years of slavery.

Tonight, families around the world will be enjoying a traditional Passover meal which is full of symbolism.  The difference this year is that most families will be meeting over Zoom or its equivalent as they will not be able to travel the great distance they usually do to do be together. 

There has also been the added complication of sourcing the ingredients for the ceremonial dinner (known as a Seder) such as charoset (a paste of apples, nuts, cinnamon and wine) to represent the mortar used by the Israelites to build the palaces of Eygpt).

However, Deliveroo has come to the rescue with its “Seder to Go”.    Some 30 minutes after I placed my order, the Seder to Go Kit was delivered (in an appropriately contact-free way).

The parallels of the current situation with people trapped in their homes, and discussions of plagues being visited upon the people (ten plagues were visited on the people in Egypt but one is enough for us now). 

Passover is the celebration of spring, of birth and rebirth, of a journey from slavery to freedom, and of taking responsibility for yourself and the community, and the wider world.  Tonight’s meal will be extra poignant for everyone, I am sure.

Chag sameach and thanks to all the brilliant technological solutions that will make this year’s celebration possible.