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Case Study

Clearing an interconnecter for take off

What did we do

Our client proposed to lay high voltage electricity cables needed as part of a new interconnector linking the electricity transmission systems of Great Britain and France underneath the runway of a commercial airport.

We engaged with users of the airfield to address concerns about the impact of the cables on aircraft navigation systems. This was important because the airfield was owned by the local planning authority for the project.

We identified that airfield users lacked confidence in the evidence being presented about impacts on safety. We therefore invited airfield users to take part in a series of practical safety tests. These took place iteratively to demonstrate that each part of the testing process was robust.

This included an initial demonstration of the assessment method on an existing cable in-situ, tests on the cables to be used in the assessment at the manufacturers’ facility, and a final test on a section of cables using planes provided by aircraft users. We coordinated all stakeholder participation in the tests.

The tests removed a key area of stakeholder objection to the proposals, which were granted planning permission several months later. Involvement of relevant stakeholders in the tests was crucial to generating confidence in the process and results.

Our work in numbers

stakeholders involved in the tests

rounds of tests

objections to the planning application received from airfield users

Key contacts

Meet the team who worked on this project

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