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Case Study

Delivering building fire safety communications for a leading developer

Delivering building fire safety comms for a leading developer

The Brief
SEC Newgate was appointed in 2020 to assist a client with brand reputation issues following building fire safety concerns. With its staff overwhelmed and several of its properties facing significant remedial works, it was keen to manage both resident and stakeholder communications. The key concern was to protect the brand while freeing up members of its team to handle the complexity of the remedial work required. The key output required was to take over the leaseholder communications process on this issue.

Our Solution and the Outcomes


We swiftly developed an engagement strategy that combined issuing regular leaseholder comms (including a dedicated inbox which SEC Newgate manages on behalf of our client and has, to date, received well over 3,000 individual queries), with targeted local and national stakeholder dialogue.

Having identified a risk that leaseholders would contact MPs, we briefed them proactively on the measures being taken and investment made to ensure fire safety. Separately, we worked with the business to advance the case to Ministers at MHCLG (now DLUHC) that a holistic approach to identifying building fire risk was needed, rather than a simple assessment of cladding materials. We worked with the All-Party Fire Safety & Rescue Group to promote a bipartisan approach.


We enabled our client’s staff to get on with their regular jobs and reduced leaseholder distress. Engaging local stakeholders generally engendered positive working relationships, particularly in those boroughs where many of our clients properties are located.

The government has now adopted a holistic approach to assessing fire safety risk in tall residential buildings.

We enabled our client’s staff to get on with their regular jobs and reduced leaseholder distress.


Key contacts

Meet the specialist team who worked with the client to develop an engagement strategy and targeted local and national stakeholder dialogue.

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