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Face masks mandated in hospitals

By Gareth Jones
05 June 2020

By Gareth Jones, Newgate Public Affairs

At today’s press conference, Health Secretary Matt Hancock outlined further rules on face coverings, this time applying to NHS workers and patients. He announced that, from 15 June, all hospital staff will be required to wear surgical masks and all hospital visitors and outpatients will be required to wear face coverings. This new requirement comes after yesterday’s announcement requiring face coverings on public transport. 

The Health Secretary provided a summary of latest statistics on COVID infections, testing, hospital admissions and fatalities. He noted that the percentage of the population testing positive has been falling consistently over recent weeks and SAGE have confirmed that the R across the UK is between 0.7 and 0.9 – although he acknowledged there is some evidence it is closer to one in the North West and South West. There have been 357 deaths reported in the past 24 hours, bringing the total number of people who have died with a confirmed case of coronavirus to more than 40,000.

Lastly, Hancock made a plea to those who are planning to participate in protests this weekend, stating that he was appalled by the death of George Floyd and understood why people are deeply upset, but stressed that we are still facing a health crisis, stating that “For the safety of your loved ones, do not attend large gatherings, including demonstrations, of more than 6 people.”