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Gray Matter - SEC Newgate Advocacy on your screens and radios

By SEC Newgate team
01 February 2022
Public Affairs

An ‘update’ of Sue Gray’s long-awaited report was published yesterday, with the Prime Minister making a statement to an electrified House of Commons about the 12-page document. MPs on both sides of the House criticised him as much for what the document didn’t say – much of what was originally due to be reported is now subject to a police investigation – as for what it did. Though light on detail, MPs leapt on the report’s findings that “some of the behaviour surrounding these gatherings is difficult to justify” and that there were “failures of leadership and judgement” in Number 10 and the Cabinet Office.  

  • Co-Head of Advocacy and former Conservative Special Adviser Chris White spoke to Sarah-Jane Mee at Sky News, and Shelagh Fogarty on LBC
  • Head of our Wales Office and former Conservative Special Adviser Siân Jones was on BBC Radio Wales this morning, and chatted to Rob Osborne on ITV Wales’ Sharp End last night. 
  • For our Welsh-speaking readers, Communications Director and former broadcaster, Dafydd Rees spoke to Garry Owen on BBC Radio Cymru earlier today