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Letter From... Central London

24 June 2020

By Ann Murphy, Executive

As of 4th July, pubs, restaurants, hotels and hairdressers can open provided that safety measures are in place. Although equally exciting and stomach turning, this isn’t news to Londoners. As far as we are concerned, the city has been back in full swing for the last two weeks.

From places like Camden Market, Borough Market and London Zoo, through to pubs offering takeaway pints and most restaurants offering meal collections, you almost can’t even tell that we’re in the middle of a pandemic. 

“Should we go for a takeaway pub crawl?” 

“I’m going on a socially distant coffee date at the park”

These are just a couple of the common phrases that have been going around, and of course, if you find yourself desperate for the loo in the middle of your socially distant adventure packed day, worry not, as Londoners have managed to consolidate a map of all public facilities open in lockdown.

Today, I find myself walking past establishments gearing up to whip out the rooftop bars and beer gardens to salvage the Summer of 2020 and, as exciting as it is to see London light up again, I can’t ignore the steady feeling that easing out of lockdown is as stressful as it was coming into it.