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Letter from... Singapore

29 May 2020

By Zhi Wei Kang, Executive, Newgate Singapore

I am looking forward to next week. Singapore has been in quasi-lockdown (euphemistically called a “circuit breaker”) for the past two months, during which we experienced drastic changes as most offices, non-essential businesses and schools have been shut, and dining out has been restricted. We’ve been staying home and time seemingly has come to a standstill, with each day indistinguishable from the one before.

So I am excited that next week, we’ll start to exit our “circuit breaker” over three phases, gradually easing restrictions while continuing the fight against the pandemic. In phase 1, I’ll once again be able to visit a salon to dye my hair. In phase 2, I’ll be able to dine in at restaurants with my family and friends. In phase 3, entertainment venues will be reopened, and I’ll finally be able to catch a movie at the cinema. This process will take months, so patience will be key.

While I am optimistic about the reopening of our economy, there is reason to be cautious as the number of new infections remains high. Nowadays, over 95% of daily new cases stem from foreign workers, such as construction workers, who live in large workers’ dormitories. These high numbers can be attributed to systematic testing to ensure that those infected are receiving the necessary help. Thankfully, the vast majority of the foreign workers who test positive are healthy and asymptomatic. Other community transmissions are at zero to single digit levels on most days, and I’m also thankful that our mortality rate has been low at 0.07%.

As I anticipate a fresh hairdo, I’m reminded of a time when I took these small pleasures for granted. It’s only in such unprecedented times that we learn to cherish what we’ve lost and appreciate what we still have.