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Life’s a peach when you're heard round the world

15 June 2020

 By Ian Silvera, Account Director

A hundred years ago today, Aussie soprano Dame Nellie Melba was heard around the world when she became the first professional performer to use Marconi’s technology to broadcast globally - from a less-than-glamorous disused shed in deepest, darkest Essex. Melba apparently didn’t want to take part in the stunt at first, however Daily Mail owner Viscount Northcliffe – or William Harmsworth to his friends – coughed up some serious cash (£45,000 in today’s money) for the 20-minute performance (to be sure, that’s £2,250 per minute). 

It was a sweet deal, but not quite as sweet as the Peach Melba, which was created in Nellie’s honor at The Savoy by one of the first celebrity chefs Auguste Escoffier at the end of the 19th Century. The Frenchman would later go on to invent Melba toast, which includes just one ingredient – bread (a grill isn’t optional).

Other dubious food associations include John Mantagu’s creation of the sandwich (he was the 4th Earl of Sandwich at the time). Apparently meat and bread kept the hungry aristocrat sustained at the gambling table. For other acts of personal branding – unsolicited or otherwise – you would have to put your focus on Mexico. 

First, Ignacio “Nacho” Anaya, who during World War II served up over-baked cheddar and jalapenos tortillas to soldiers’ wives stationed at Fort Duncan on the US-Mexico border. Second, the Caesar salad has everything to Caesar Cardini, an Italian restaurateur operating in 1920s Mexico, and nothing to do with Julius Caesar, who operated in 49 BC Rome. 

Back to the world of music and self-branding, Belgian inventor Adolphe Sax produced many horn instruments (saxotromba, saxhorn or saxtuba, anyone?). None have proven more popular than the saxophone, which was initially considered niche and odd before the jazz movement embraced it and it took off around 70 years after its creation. At least Melba was around to enjoy her sweet success.