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The SEC Newgate AI Weekly

AI Concept
18 April 2024
Digital and Insight
artificial intelligence
Dove #keepsbeautyreal 

Dove, under the Unilever umbrella, reignites its ‘Real Beauty’ campaign two decades since the original when it was found that “only 2% of women considered themselves beautiful.” Despite vast technological advancements since then, Dove's view on 'real beauty' hasn’t. In a Global State of Beauty report conducted by the brand, it was found that ‘8 in 10 women and girls have been exposed to harmful beauty content on social media.’ If AI expert Nina Schick's prediction is correct, within a few years 90% of all online content could be generated by AI. This is a concerning possibility given the detrimental impact social media has already had on self-worth. Rather than denying the use of AI, the Dove campaign aims to demonstrate how it will collaborate with this inevitable technology and redefine real beauty, posing the question: 

“What kind of beauty do we want AI to learn?”  

Could there be an audit on the horizon for top AI companies?  

According to Bloomberg, Helen Toner, former OpenAI board member, has called for audits on the top AI companies, stressing at a TED conference that the public should be able to become aware of the potential risks and capabilities of certain technologies as they are being developed. Toner continued to emphasise that one such audit should be conducted by “AI auditors” with the ability to “to scrutinize their work so that the companies aren’t just grading their own homework.”  

As we navigate the evolving landscape of AI integration into our daily routines, the need for comprehensive AI policy and a guidebook on ‘what to do when things go wrong’ is becoming increasingly apparent if we’re to live alongside these technologies in a ‘healthy-ish’ way.  

Will chatbots replace influencers?  

Want to increase your chances of getting a DM response from an influencer on Instagram? Well, you might be in luck – according to a recent New York Times article ,Instagram’s top influencers are set to experiment with chatbots to interact with their followers. The tool is said to streamline interactions and allow for greater engagement between the parties. While promoting efficiency, this naturally sparks questions around whether this will actually work, or further alienate influencers from their audiences that may have initially followed them for their individual quirks and relatability.  

Poor reviews for new AI wearable device  

The new AI wearable device by Humane that cost $250m to develop and $700 to buy, with an added subscription fee, is receiving some negative reviews, reports the BBC. While the device is described to be very futuristic with no screen but still with the ability to take photos and answer messages, reviewers, including one from the Verge, have criticised its limited functionality, concluding that what it can do is tell the time. Other issues highlighted include overheating during use and the inability to use other apps.  

While the purpose of the AI Pin is to arguably challenge the smartphone and allow us to engage more with the real world, David Pierce questions whether this is even a possibility for a population already so embedded in technology.