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Britain’s new government

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Politics Hub

SEC Newgate's Advocacy Team

Delivering positive impact through national and local public affairs

As a new government takes office, our SEC Newgate Advocacy team is ready to help guide you through what it means for your organisation.

Our Advocacy brochure sets out out how we deliver impact - working with clients to identify the right skills, tactics and insights for them – and how we help inform and shape the debates that matter, bringing together political decision makers and the stakeholders they need to hear from, providing fresh insight and analysis.

What our experts are saying

Read the latest election news and views from our team of specialists as we countdown to election day


Election 2024

The main parties will shape their media narratives through tightly controlled campaigns -...
Read more

Views from our experts in Scotland, Wales and the regions

Road to No.10 video series

Responding to a crisis
Manifestos, Manifestos, Manifestos...
Read all about it - why the newspapers don't matter
TV Debates and Leadership Comms

Meet our team of specialist advisers

Reports and brochures

            <div>Advocacy - Delivering positive impact through national and local public affairs</div>
Advocacy - Delivering positive impact through national and local public affairs

Read about our Advocacy team - delivering positive impact through national and local...

            <div>Road to No.10</div>
Road to No.10

As the general election campaign gets underway, SEC Newgate UK experts have put together...

            <div>Ready for government? Preparing for Labour</div>
Ready for government? Preparing for Labour

Read to find out from our experts how a change in government could affect you and your...