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“It’s a new day in America” – Joe Biden, 8.20am EST, 20 January 2021

By SEC Newgate team
20 January 2021

By Emily Holtzman

As of today, January 20, 2021, the United States of America has a new President. This afternoon, the world watched as Joe Biden became inaugurated as the 46th President of the United States, swearing the oath to uphold the fundamental principles of democracy, and to represent one of the world’s largest superpowers. President Biden now stands at the helm, alongside Vice President Kamala Harris, who has made history as America’s first woman and woman of color to hold the office.

This inauguration looked much different than those of President Biden’s predecessors, due to pandemic restrictions and tightened security measures following threats of violent insurrection from far-right extremists. The presence of the National Guard, as well as the closure of the National Mall are harrowing reminders of the reality Americans have been facing. Still certain that the election was stolen from him, the former President did not attend today’s inauguration to watch his successor swear in, breaking with tradition.

Today marks what will hopefully be a significant turning point for American politics and society. After a tumultuous year of sheer human loss, political turmoil and economic hardship as a result of a global pandemic, America is in need of a path forward.

What the country experienced throughout the preceding administration has proven that America is in a position of polarization that cannot be simply mended by new leadership, but through active cooperation from both sides of the political aisle.

We have seen this polarization culminate to such a dangerous degree, clearly exemplified by the horrifying events that transpired at the Capitol building on January 6, as well as the consistent threats made by groups of insurrectionists to wreak violent havoc at federal landmarks during today’s inauguration. Extremism has quieted the voices of millions of Americans, who are calling for hope, for peace, and for unity in such difficult and unprecedented times.

It falls onto this new administration to uphold this collective need for unity and lead the country to progress with support from both major parties. President Joe Biden and his administration have been handed a country devastated by multifaceted upheaval, and pressure and expectations to make progress will be unrivaled.

It will be nothing short of an uphill battle for President Joe Biden, but within this new administration lies hope for the future of America. An America that invests in the wellbeing of its’ people. An America that recovers from global pandemic-induced turmoil. An America that proves to young girls that they can hold one of the highest political offices in the country. An America that fights to preserve the democratic values upon which it was founded while also acknowledging its’ dark moments in history; using them to help drive sustainable progress towards a more fair and equitable nation for all.