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Letter from… The office


By Jamie Williams, Senior Executive

Today, I’m back in Newgate’s London office, alongside a handful of colleagues, for the first time in 14 weeks. 

Returning to the office was always going to be strange. Having enjoyed a calm cycle in from South London, I was confronted with a deserted City of London. It is just not the same without its underlying roar. Whilst cafes and shops have begun to open their doors, other offices have not. It was either that, or office workers have made the conscious decision not to come in. 

There is no doubt that a huge amount of work has been put in to kit our offices and protect our wellbeing. Newgate employees have been split into two groups: a “Monday / Tuesday” or “Wednesday / Thursday” group for those who can and want to return. Our desks have been staggered in order to maintain the 2-metre social distance requirement. PPE equipment has been provided. A one-way circulation system with the necessary signage has been set up, and sanitiser stations have been distributed throughout the office space. 

One major setback with the office is the lack of kitchen facilities – sharing mugs, spoons and glasses would be a CV risk.  As a result we have had to bring our own cutlery, plates and coffee in. Therefore, a mid-morning Pret was most welcome. The good news is that it had no queue. There is always a silver lining.

Despite the modifications and quietness, it is good to be back working alongside some of my colleagues in a physical working environment which isn’t a desk squeezed into my bedroom. It’s refreshing to be back to some normality at long last.